Some photos, per your request.

This isn’t a real blog, at least not yet. To my IT-challenged self it actually seemed the simplest way to post some pictures of the house I’m offering for rent that people could access easily. I’m sure ImageImageit isn’t, but here it is. I tried to keep them in some sort of order, but when posting the photos they seemed determined to place themselves wherever they wanted to go. so there’s some jumping around happening.ImageFirst, obviously, is a kitchen shot showing the old slate sink and small (but granite!) counters. Next is a view of (2) the living room, showing the fireplace on the right. Then it jumps to (3) the bathroom, and I can’t figure out how to edit it to be vertical! Next is a view of (4) the second-floor master bedroom, facing toward Brighton Avenue. From there you magically move back downstairs, and, standing in the same spot as when looking at (2), you turn to your left and face (5) a small alcove (with lots of light and windows) just beyond the built-in bookcases. Perfect for a TV area. Next view (6) is looking out from alcove toward French doors to hallway. catapaulted back upstairs again, to the blue “swan room” (7) on the second floor. Then you’re back in the master BR, facing the opposite direction from (3). Seasick yet? Then you head up to the partially finished third floor; this (9) is one of the two rooms there. Back down to the first floor, with a view of the dining room (10) looking toward the butler’s pantry adjoining the kitchen, and (11) toward the sunroom. Sorry for the wild ride! There’s more, but this should give you the general idea.ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage